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Hide details for  8.5.3 FP5 8.5.3 FP5
RGAU8KCHMZThis fix prevents Domino Administrator from crashing when checking database properties on a remote server connected via slow WAN...
Hide details for  8.5.3 FP4 8.5.3 FP4
RCEA8JGM72Fixes issue on Red Hat 6 where the Admin Client does not show disk space.
Hide details for  8.5.3 FP1 8.5.3 FP1
MCMA78RL9MResolved a Domino Admin Client crash that could occur during server monitoring by eliminating memory leaks in the monitoring code.
Hide details for  8.5.3 8.5.3
WHAM6Y9LS8Vista issue only. Fixed special code in some of the subforms to merge certificates and added new shared field, subforms and updated forms to handle...
YZZU84N8W6Fix allows modification of simplified chinese role name within the ACL.
BBSZ829S83Fixes an issues where if a redirect file exists when adminp attempts to create a redirect file (eg on move database), it currently only reports a...
ACRS87QCN9Fix make sure Desktop Managed Settings Are Not Always Applied. Change delivered in pubnames.ntf
AKAS844JJJFixed an issue where Domain Indexer and Cataloger brought up the same help.
SDIO862AYJFix resolves an issue within Admin registration settings where "Don't set value" settings were getting lost when the policy settings document is...
AFIL86GJH6Fixes an issue in the Admin Client where during registration of the person "certificate expiration date" is default, when it should not be....
AFIL8APD86Fixed a problem in Notes Administrator where, when registering a roaming user, the registration policy setting for "Choose a sub-folder format" was...
LMAN7T2R3JFix resolves server console errors when mail policy pushes AutoProcessType.
PPOR7M8M45Fixed a problem with the Domino Migration tool and nupgrade which resulted in "Re" & "Fw" fields being removed after Migration from...
JXBI8AZD7SFix resolves a 30 sec. performance regression seen when a user tries to Add and then Edit a Group using the Admin Client. Regression in 8.5.1. Fixed...
GFLY6MG3EVFix resolves an Admin documentation issue where F1 Help and Field context help are different.
MPAA84FFQJFixed a problem when migrating Outlook pst file to Notes using the migration tool where calendar entries were not getting converted correctly - for...
BMGH8G2S9LWhen configuring ADC in a parent configuration document, the settings are not pushed to servers that have individual configuration documents without...
BSTS88XNN6Fixed a problem with Calendar migration where repeating entries imported from pst during migration are not properly displayed in the calendar view in...
SPNK6PERARFix a problem with Migration where, after migrating from .PST to .NSF, the .NSF file was not maintaining Read/Unread documents the same as in .PST...
KRED6SJB2BFixed a problem with Exchange mail migration where repeating meetings that had no end date were not migrated. They will now be added with an end...
TMDS893THK Fixed admin toolbar preference dialog layout issue
PSUH854A4NUpdated the help text on the Server Config document to improve clarity.
Hide details for  8.5.2 FP4 8.5.2 FP4
BBSZ829S83Fixes an issues where if a redirect file exists when adminp attempts to create a redirect file (eg on move database), it currently only reports a...
MCMA78RL9MResolved a Domino Admin Client crash that could occur during server monitoring by eliminating memory leaks in the monitoring code.
Show details for  8.5.2 FP3 8.5.2 FP3


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